Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yay new Genre

Its called The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge and its a Steampunk fiction. Its like a Paranormal reality and it was AMAZING!! Strong and brave Female heroine and theres a little romance but its not the point of the book (Thanks!!) It was almost impossible to put down..And its intricate on details which makes it a little more difficult for a YA book but it was worth the amount of attention it took. (I also want to thank Call Of Duty Black Ops or I would have never been able to finish this when my husband was home and I had such a hard time putting it down.)

Theres enough surprises to keep you guessing on what might happen next but it has a familiarity to it by being placed in Massachusetts. Its basically her race to save her brother and father in this and to save herself from turning to a "madness" that affects her family members on their sixteenth birthday.

It ended neatly but abruptly, But its ok because its the first of a series...

All I can really say is it needs to be read. This is Caitlin's first YA book so I'm going to get her other ones and see if her writing style is the same. I'm really enjoying this steampunk genre. Yay.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ugh, Up till 3 just to finish this.

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.

For some reason its hard to write a review. I did enjoy it. Umm....It had an interesting story line. It was like it wanted to have a reality in it but it wanted more fantasy than most paranormal romances...If it had a better prologue I probably would have been into it more.

Its like Suddenly Patch was there, and Suddenly Elliot and Jules were there, And then SUDDENLY Miss Greene was there and they all had a connection but the only connection you know about is  *SPOILER ALERT* Patch using Jules body as a bridge for 2 weeks and Miss Greene and Patch were together before. AND SUDDENLY THERES THIS BOOK WITH NO REFERENCE BEFORE HAND THAT SUDDENLY COULD SAVE PATCH!!.  Theres no history put behind these characters.

I want to know what happened to make Jules so upset when Patched used his body. I want to know details about Patch and Miss Greene's relationship and about the girl Patch left her for. And how much time they spent together. AND WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE BOOK OF ENOCH??? Shouldn't there be a little background on something like that?? Ugh now I'm working myself into a frenzy...The cover is really captivating and I did like this author but I felt there was no background to any of these characters.

Ok time to calm down and head to work...I will read Crescendo but I hope its a little better....Maybe I should start rating these...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How do we feel about changing paranormals again this generation?

First its zombies, Then its ghosts, next is vamps and were creatures, and now we've moved on to angels...

Just finished Halo by Alexandra Adornetto...finished it yesterday actually. I had to take a day off to think about how to describe this book.

Main Character, Bethany, is naive and innocent, Caring and charming. She makes me think of my best friend Bethany who is absolutely amazing. I enjoyed this character very much.

Xavier. Ahh to be an innocent girl and find the sexy guy who loves his family and morals...Hes everything a hero aught to be.

BOOK IS SSSSLLLOOOWWW.... It took forever to build up and just as quickly as the dun dun dun part starts, it ends. But because of the way the main character and the hero are and the writing style is, its not that hard to continue reading. I actually found myself begging my husband to read at least one page more. The way Bethany and Xavier connect is so amazing that reading only about that is addicting.

Im hoping that Alexandra will make this a series, although I have no idea what kind of story line she will use. And because of this, Im excited to see where she takes this. And altogether great starting piece from a writer just blooming. My what talent this generation has produced.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am a happy humming bird

But I am also a sad Duck

How confusing it is to be me

Monday, March 14, 2011

I go through these too quickly...

Another day, Another book

Dead Beautiful - Yvonne Woon, just another paranormal romance book...After this next book I'm switching to coming of age books because I'm tired of comparing every book to every other book...

So about the new one. You know, kind of a disappointment. About zombies, main character is of course a female, and the guy shes in love with is paranormal and mysterious. Loved it till the end. I was guessing about how things would turn out but it didn't end up the way I thought it would which was nice but it could have been so much more. I feel like the author just stopped wanting to write it and quickly finished the book. I give her respect and will go on to read more of her books because this is her first one and it does show potential. I just wish it had been a little more dramatic. I kept comparing it to twilight and another book which I have forgotten the name of. (Damn my mental library system.) Anyways, Altogether an Ok read. I would suggest it for a 12-14 audience of girls but anyone older that that is going to get irritated quickly. I was captivated begining towards the last bit of the middle where it suddenly and quite abruptly ended. It might still have the potential to open up as a series but I highly doubt it by the way the crammed the last few chapters with a neatly formated and undetailed ending. Dante, Rene's "boyfriend" isnt as captivating as he could have been and rather irritating. I think the only absolutely amazing part is the ideas about the undead and soul sharing and such which must have been the reason more effort wasnt put into the characters. All I can say is, I want another one Yvonne!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Commentary on said book list.

Figured I'd start blogging about the books I read since I read around 10 a week...Not gunna be that way for much longer now that I'm working and school will be starting in fall.

Last book update!

The Hallow and The Haunted by Jessica Verday. May I say that the trilogy will be much better read when all three are finally out....It was a little hard to get into unfortunately, but after forcing myself to sit still long enough to get through the first 4 pages I was hooked. Abbey, the main character, is an amazing girl. Her parents allow her a lot more freedom that mine ever did and she realizes her parents trust in her. Her every-so-often remarks about her parents being good ones are so observant that I respect her even more.
But its Caspian that got me hooked. I absolutely fell in love with him. He was romantic and thoughtful in a more shy and cute way. (I really don't want to compare this to twilight so bare with me, I'm trying hard not to.) Hes so amazingly mysterious that I want to climb into the book, shove her aside, and leap into his arms. Hes not old fashioned about his gentlemanly behavior which is cute because its not all serious and straight forward. Hes playful and witty yet young and shy. Hes so hilarious too...Oh my gosh he had me rolling around crying, hugging my side and gasping for breath all at the same time.
Poor Ben....
I was a little upset about how long it took to introduce certain characters and that Kristen was really dead instead of just hidden away, but I realize thats what makes Abbey special and strong. I liked the Legend twist though. Reminded me just a little of Blue Girl. But only because of the fact that Abbey is in love with a ghost.
For some reason I want to call Abbey - Maddy and its driving me insane cause I keep calling her that.
Ahh paranormal romance, You have me again.